I am totally mad about the mod for the PC game ARMA2 , DAYZ !

 I am totally mad about the mod for the PC game  ARMA2 , DAYZ !
Maybe that is because somewhere in the back of my head I know that a zombie apocalypse is actually feasible. Maybe its just because Arma2 ( which I already play) is such a great game, and DAYZ is even greater.
   I have always had a soft spot for any kind of game which involves perma death. Even though it is obviously painful and hurts to lose a whole bunch of gear and imputed time, it is somehow more realistic and therefore to me a better experience enjoyment wise.
   If you want to get your adrenalin pumping then try DAYZ its an awesome blend of horror and realism which keeps you on edge for days and hours.
   People seem to find any kind of apocalyptic scenario something which they can easily identify with and that is also part of the reason why I think they like DayZ.

    In this blog I will be keeping tabs on all things DayZ and  readers will be able to share their online experiences and give their 10c worth about the game which is changing the landscape of the massively multi player experience.

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