God Fucking Bless You Mr Enfield But....

A Great Gun. But way too Noisy to Shoot if You only have 10 Mags lol.

Yes God Bless you Mr Enfield . However as good as this gun may be for shooting Germans and zombies alike, in the Z you better watch yourself with this thing.

It doesnt take long before the uninitiated newb finds his first lee enfield. And the consequent effect of letting it off in a town or city or any place really apart from the forest. you see in the Z
shooting off one round from a Lee Enfield is to the local Zombie population like a dinner bell.
I always say if you are going to shoot off an enfeild make sure you have a whole pack full of rounds because sometimes if not most of the time, it will summon a horde of infected hungry for your brains.

Having said that, I stop short of saying the enfield is junk. I can recall serveral occasions when it served me very well in Pvp. But this was mostly in the wilds. One occasion in particular comes to mind when I managed to snipe 3 dudes from a great distance across an open field. Now thats what the Enny is for.  However I must say. If you are being sniped from somewhere Dont stop running , and Do not run in a straight line. 

God Bless you Mr Enfeild.

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