Staying alive is not so hard in DayZ once you have all the stuff

Staying alive is not so hard in DayZ once you have all the stuff you need to survive in the wilderness. Unlike many players who are in it for the PvP, I went off out into the woods and just concentrated on moving about alone and surviving. After  my ordeal in the city with all the infected I suddenly became aware of how much zombies really do scare me. So it was off to the forests and mountains, the valleys etc.     Of course it can be lonely in the woods you know. But Id rather spend my night sitting by the campfire with the moon above and a few steaks and a can of beans. It sure beats lying in a street somewhere having your brains being eaten out by a bunch of undead maniacs.
    Still you have to wake up early in the woods, and go fill tyour water bottles and pack up the stuff.  Saddle up and move out into the hills looking for a wild goat or a rabbit or a pig to stock up on meat for the days ahead.
   Having enough water bottles helps because you sometimes dont see a pond or a lake for a good while. Yes you can die of thirst or hunger in this game but that's not something I plan on doing.
  I  have this one favorite spot I like to camp when I'm in the area.  Its like a tiny lake in the deep woods surrounded by trees and big rocky formations. I guess it is one of my favorite camping spots because it somehow feels safe.
   At night it sometimes gets a bit scary with the wind in the trees. But so far no one's  ever come up to me and shot me dead, or bludgeoned me to death in my sleep with a crowbar or an axe.    Once your out in the woods you are pretty much safe from the infected. they tend to only spawn near buildings or places where people used to live.
   However I have come across the odd Zed wandering about so you never know. they are also attracted to fire or light sources, so it pays to put out the flames before you hit the sack.

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